Consider yourself fortunate if you are the eldest one among your sibs! Until now, things have been quite challenging as it is quite hard to play the role of a responsible, mature adult, but brace yourself as you are about to get an upper hand!
The crowds outside made themselves clear: No nukes. But the government ordered another reactor started, the second since the shutdown caused by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear reactor crisis.
Oprah Winfrey is the new face of Weight Watchers after she invested a lot of money in the company and became a Board member.
Scientists speculate that pits on Pluto’s surface might be due to ice evaporation.
Contrary to what has been thought, antioxidants do not fight cancer but make them grow faster, says a new study.
Scientists are searching for more evidence that supports the position that a developed alien civilization has led to the absence of flux in a remote star.
4.1-billion-year-old crystal may hold early signs of life
Angeliina Jolie reveals the inspiration behind her new movie, By The Sea.
Thousands reported seeing a city above Chinese cities, and conspiracy theorists come up with multiple explanations.
A new cache of teeth in a Chinese cave shows that humans reached Asia around 100,000 years ago.
A 58-year-old beachcomber came across an ancient artifact on Seaside Heights in New Jersey that turned out to be about 10,000 years old
The sightings of a rock formation that resembles a human form has sparked talks about alien life on Mars which NASA allegedly does not wish to divulge, claim UFO hunters.
The survey by researchers at Chapman University showed that the fear of dying ranked below several other fears including that of Obamacare.
The bathing suit is made from a porous material called Sponge, developed at UC Riverside.
Well-known astronomer resigns after sexual harassment investigations
09 Aug '24 16:35PM