The vertebra of the fish is 4.5 inches that was found by students in Texas.
The study was carried out by National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, which called for urgent efforts to educate people about AUD.
Data from Hubble Space Telescope has revealed that Pluto's moons move erratically due to combined gravitational field of Pluto and Charon.
Researchers at MIT found that the lakes cannot drain into the sea as the ice within the ice sheet is thick and does not crack vertically.
The condition that makes lime juice and sun toxic for the body is called Phytophotodermatitis which is somewhat rare in Florida but doctors see many cases in summer.
The development of animal limb brings hope to millions of humans around the world who are disabled to due lack of functioning limbs.
Nano-spirals developed by researchers at University of Vanderbilt have unique optical properties that can be used on credit cards and for tracking purposes.
Simple tips like using goblins can help starters get ahead of the rest in Supercell's Clash of Clans.
A Youtuber imported x-ray damage sequence from Mortal Kombat X to Super Smash Bros.
The new revisions will receive positive response but gamers could still complain as the device does not appear to support 5 GHz WiFi, a long-pending demand of the gaming community.
Bobbi Brown's aunt Leolah claimed her niece's health was improving. Reports emerged of Nick Gordon's possible implications in the proceedings.
Josh Duggar confessed to his father on three occasions at least about touching his sisters inappropriately.
Trouble is brewing in Pattinson paradise which may jeopardize his marriage with singer Twigs.
Mr. Saber El-Toony's Google + attracted more than five million views and ranked higher than Google itself when searched for the keyword 'Google' from Egypt.
Two critically endangered species of Australian marsupials the Black-tailed and the Silver-headed Antechinus, are threatened due to climate change and change of habitat.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM