How An Egyptian Technician Outranked Google On Google Search by Doing Nothing

By Peter R - 03 Jun '15 12:03PM

An Egyptian has beaten Google at its own game by outranking world's most popular search engine on GOOGLE search.

BBC reports that Google + page belonging to Saber El-Toony, an air-conditioning technician, ranks higher than Google itself when searched in Egypt. The ranking caused his profile page to soar in popularity as it gathered five million views. Since it was first reported by an Egyptian blogger, Google has reportedly fixed the anomaly.

A digital marketer Eyad Nour spotted the anomaly and blogged about it. Nour said after hours of trying to understand how Toony's page had outranked Google, he decided to call the man himself to find out.

Toony responded saying he had no clue about his page's rankings but had been receiving several calls recently.

"So people think I am the "mother company" of Google? This is great. I never thought about that. It all started a week ago when I noticed a lot of people calling me every day. Sometimes I even turn off my phone so I can sleep," Mr. Toony told Nour adding that he did nothing to boost his rankings.

Though Nour said he did not know what caused the anomaly, he speculated it could be due to a link that Toony inadvertently placed on his Google + page.

As for Toony, his story of Google conquest went viral and he started receiving several calls from prospective employers who want him to replicate success of his webpage for their businesses.

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