Ashwin Subramania

Ebola Found in Doctor's Eye Months after the Virus Left Blood

By Ashwin Subramania - May 08, 2015 12:04 PM EDT

The Ebola virus was discovered in the eyes of a patient months after it left his blood.

17th Century Pirate Captain Kidd’s Treasure Found in Madagascar

By Ashwin Subramania - May 08, 2015 12:04 PM EDT

A team of researchers from the US claim to have discovered silver treasure from the wreck of infamous Scottish pirate William Kidd's ship along the coast of Madagascar.

Blue Bell Knew About the Listeria Contamination, FDA Officials

By Ashwin Subramania - May 08, 2015 12:04 PM EDT

According to findings released by the FDA, Blue Bell Creameries was aware of the presence of listeria contamination in its Broken Arrow plant in Oklahoma as early as 2013.

Selfie Attempt by Tourists Shatters Priceless Sculpture in Italy

By Ashwin Subramania - May 08, 2015 12:03 PM EDT

In the pursuit of the ultimate selfie, two tourists climbed atop the Loggia dei Militi and in the process broke off a piece of the marble crown which fell to the floor and shattered.

South African Man Raped at Gunpoint by 3 Semen-Stealing Women

By Ashwin Subramania - May 08, 2015 12:03 PM EDT

A 33 year old man in South Africa’s KwaZakhele Township was walking down the road when a black BMW stopped next to him to ask for directions.

Milennials Have Fewer Sex Partners Than Parents, Grandparents, Study

By Ashwin Subramania - May 07, 2015 11:55 AM EDT

A new research has revealed that youngsters today have fewer sexual partners than those who were a part of Baby Boomers and Generation X during the 1950's and 1960's.

Lindsay Lohan 2015: Actress to Face Jail Time for Doing Only 1/6th of Community Service

By Ashwin Subramania - May 07, 2015 11:54 AM EDT

Lindsay Lohan may face possible jail time after completing only 20 hours of community service out of total quota of 125 hours.

Sleep Walking May Be Hereditary, Study

By Ashwin Subramania - May 06, 2015 09:32 AM EDT

A new study has revealed that children born to sleep walking parents were more likely to develop the condition themselves when compared to those who did not have a family history of sleep walking.

Dave Goldberg Killed in Freak "Treadmill" Accident at Mexican Resort

By Ashwin Subramania - May 05, 2015 09:52 AM EDT

SurveyMonkey Chief Executive Dave Goldberg died on Friday at a private resort in Mexico after suffering severe head trauma and blood loss in a gym related accident.

Fjords Combat Climate Change by Storing Carbon Emissions

By Ashwin Subramania - May 05, 2015 09:48 AM EDT

A recent report published in Nature Geoscience has revealed that fjords plays a major role in keeping carbon emissions in check.

Newly Discovered 'Bungee Cord' Like Oral Nerves Enable Whales to Binge Feed

By Ashwin Subramania - May 05, 2015 09:46 AM EDT

The Rorqual whale has nerves in its mouth and tongue that has the ability to stretch to twice its length and then retract back its original size without suffering any nerve damage.

Overweight Diabetes Patients Outlive Slimmer Counterparts, Study

By Ashwin Subramania - May 05, 2015 09:43 AM EDT

According to a new medical study, type 2 diabetes patients who are overweight but not obese - were shown to outlive diabetics who are thin or of a normal weight.

Bruce Jenner Sued for Wrongful Death in Car Crash

By Ashwin Subramania - May 02, 2015 04:34 PM EDT

Reality TV star Bruce Jenner has been sued for negligence and wrongful death by the stepchildren of the woman killed in the car crash on the Southern National Highway in February that also involved the former athlete.

Study Finds Source of Aging in Cells

By Ashwin Subramania - May 01, 2015 05:04 PM EDT

A study conducted by the Salk Institute and the Chinese Academy of Science has published new data that is now considered to be a major advancement towards developing a better understanding of the aging process.

Vaccine Reduces Cervical Cancer Risk in Women

By Ashwin Subramania - May 01, 2015 09:53 AM EDT

According to the results obtained through the nationwide vaccination program, it has been observed that the cervical cancer vaccine has been successful towards reducing cancer causing abnormalities by half in women under the age of 20 in Australia.

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