Chris Brown has hit back at Nia Guzman, calling the mother of his child a hypocrite for dating a wanted man.
Researchers from Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics suggested that in a generation or so we would be able to signs of life on distant planets.
Reports are stating that Kyrie Irving might not return to the Cleveland Cavaliers until January.
Jason Martinez avoided a background check to get the Albuquerque school job.
Pew research shows that we have all become obsessed with cell phones.
A Charlotte-area couple has a memorable proposal behind it, as the boy dropped a ring into the ocean before he proposed.
Sarah Bromby's video of Ethan learning of her pregnancy has become viral.
Cell to cell transmission of viruses lead to making immune cells suicide machines.
A British man who was vaccinated from polio has been shedding the virus for nearly 30 years.
A new album from Adele that everyone should watch for!
Lucy Liu now welcomes her firstborne baby.
Miley Cyrus reveals that she is panseuxal.
Several executives in the NBA believe that Tristan Thompson will be playing for the Toronto Raptors next year.
Miley Cyrus has weighed in on the recent Twitter feud between Taylor Swift and Nicki Minaj and stated that Minaj was "not very polite."
Charlie Sheen as Donald Trump's running mate?
09 Aug '24 16:35PM