President Obama talks of the dangers of global warming, even as he prepares to travel to Alaska.
The 50-year-old Jim Bob Duggar is a patriarch and dictator of his large family, say sources.
Though he himself is an immigrant, as are his mother and wives, Donald Trump never hesitates to take potshots at "outsiders".
Donald Trump minces no words in hitting Clinton where he can.
A Virginia teenager who generated funds for ISIS on Twitter has been sentenced to serve 11 years in prison.
Mary Margaret Bannister was the selected one from an audience of 1,400 who could examine his head of hair, and confirm that it is not a toupee.
An Egyptian court charged and ruled that three journalists should get 3 years in prison for spreading false information and not being licensed.
Study shows that compared to others in their age groups, teenagers tend to lie the most.
Research shows that Zen Medidation can improve the sense of touch as well as neuroplasticity.
Subway cut off links with Jared Fogle, yet the association is inescapable.
Church officials raised a controversy over Pope' blessings to an Italian lesbian author of children's books.
More than 90 Britons are dying every month after they are removed from support allowance.
Research shows that creative people have messy minds.
The celebrity couple does share a common taste for food.
A team of experts has collected a lot of information about the Taliban, but the British library refuses to store it.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM