Is it safe to give chocolate to your kids? Especially when Easter is coming up and consumption for chocolate will go higher during Easter week.
Eating dark chocolates can bring perks during pregnancy
The company has not described the number of products recalled and the financial impact of the recall. Plastic bits were found in a Mars bar in Germany.
Scientists discover that a compound present in red wine and chocolate may slow down the progress of Alzheimer's.
In participants with Alzheimer's who were given resveratrol equivalent in quantities found in 1,000 bottles of red wine a day, the progress of dementia was halted.
The study claims lower risk of cardiovascular disease in people who eat up to 100 grams of chocolate every day.
Eating sugary food may lead to dementia or even trigger Alzheimer's disease.
Research shows that gender preferences are not always the determinants of food choices.
In the upcoming episode of 'The Real Housewives of Atlanta', Apollo Nida suspects his wife, Phaedra Parks, having a secret affair with a man named Chocolate. Park's co-stars are horrified at the allegations.
Eating chocolate in moderation can benefit your health and brain, shows a number of studies.
Research shows that cocoa flavonols make a cognitive and cardio-metabolic impact on older adults.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM