After being captured alive, a Pakistani terrorist admits that he has a deadly mission.
In just a decade, women on the contraceptive pill have been saved from contracting endometrial cancer, according to a study.
Eating fresh chili can add years to your life, shows a Chinese study.
A new policy announced by Netflix allows first time parents to take unlimited leave.
The electric traffic signals ushered in a new order on the roads in 1914.
Although Bobbi Brown has been laid to rest, her relatives on both her parents' sides are taking swipes at each other.
Scientists reveal that women feel cold in the office due to imbalanced air-conditioning.
3.7 New study shows why dogs are humans' best friends.
Scientists discover that teenagers who seek popularity early in life face bigger problems later in social adjustments.
While giver-centric gifts are rare, they help to create more bonding.
Scientists advocate that brain training apps, rather than drugs, could help schizophrenics.
Scientists discover that just simple activities such as climbing trees can help to improve your memory.
After discovering the most earth-like planet, Kepler-452b, scientists are wondering whether we can go there.
It is not clear why exactly Bin Laden's family suffered the plane crash, though there are many speculations.
A recent Facebook post lauding the New York Minimum Wages for fast food earners goes viral.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM