R. Siva Kumar

Wikileaks: NSA Wiretapped Brazilian President And Other Officials

By R. Siva Kumar - Jul 06, 2015 09:53 AM EDT

The US is waging an economic spy drive against Brazil by wiretapping its officials, according to Wikileaks.

Russian Social Media Petitions Leniency For US Teacher Convicted of Sex Crimes

By R. Siva Kumar - Jul 06, 2015 09:53 AM EDT

Readers of Russian social media are coming out in favour of Jennifer Fichter, an American teacher convicted of sex crimes.

Beauty Blog Shows 'Double Standards' Of Social Media

By R. Siva Kumar - Jul 05, 2015 11:03 PM EDT

One beauty video in You Tube drew adverse comments from the public, exposing the hollowness of the social media.

McCain Calls On US to Keep Troops in Afghanistan

By R. Siva Kumar - Jul 05, 2015 11:03 PM EDT

US Senator John McCain slams Obama's decision to draw out the US troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2016.

Belgium Pants Through Its Warmest Night since 1833

By R. Siva Kumar - Jul 05, 2015 11:02 PM EDT

With the temperature pushing 30 degrees Celsius in Belgium, a heat wave is officially confirmed.

Google's AI Chatbot Is Getting A Bit Too Smart For Comfort

By R. Siva Kumar - Jul 01, 2015 06:51 AM EDT

The Chatbot answers all your questions but isn't the answer to the ultimate mystery of life.

What Happened To A Family That Ate Only Organic Food For Two Weeks?

By R. Siva Kumar - Jul 01, 2015 06:50 AM EDT

According to a Swiss study, family members that lived only on organic food for a fortnight found a huge dip in the pesticide levels of their bodies.

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner Announce The Divorce That Ends 10 Years Of Marriage

By R. Siva Kumar - Jul 01, 2015 06:49 AM EDT

The divorce of the celebrity couple had been on the grapevine, but it's now out in the open.

IS Killers Of Muslim Brothers Cannot Enter Paradise: Al Qaeda

By R. Siva Kumar - Jun 30, 2015 12:09 AM EDT

Al Qaeda's US spokesman claims that the IS killers cannot enter heaven if they continue massacring Muslim brethren.

German Firms Fear Russia May Permanently Look To Asia

By R. Siva Kumar - Jun 30, 2015 12:08 AM EDT

Western sanctions against Russia might affect its jobs and economy, fears Germany.

Mosque Donates Thousands To Catholic Church In Canada That Was Vandalised

By R. Siva Kumar - Jun 30, 2015 12:08 AM EDT

The Imam of a Canadian mosque decided to collect donations for a neighbouring Catholic church after viewing the desecration on its main premises.

Are Old Rivals Russia And Saudi Arabia Forging A Strong Partnership?

By R. Siva Kumar - Jun 29, 2015 09:50 AM EDT

A recent meeting in the Saint Petersburg forum between Russia and Saudi Arabia seem to indicate that they are cooperating, while vying for a large expansion in their business areas.

Cameras On Sharks Show Their Deep-Sea Secrets

By R. Siva Kumar - Jun 29, 2015 09:50 AM EDT

A recent study on deep-sea sharks discloses what makes them float.

Chinese Companies Are Not In The Top Of The World's Most Respected Companies, 2015

By R. Siva Kumar - Jun 29, 2015 09:39 AM EDT

This year's Barron's 2015 list of World's Most Respected Companies features Chinese companies at the bottom, due to state control.

Dreams Collected Online Show Thinking Patterns

By R. Siva Kumar - Jun 29, 2015 08:17 AM EDT

A collection of dreams in a dreambank by a researcher traces some common thoughts and feelings.

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