Pixar Animation Studios recently released a short film, entitled “Borrowed Time” about the pain associated with loss, the mourning that comes naturally with it, and ultimately, forgiveness.
Lady Gaga gave another out-of-the-box after-performance on Thursday night at The Bitter End bar in New York for the promotion of her latest album, “Joanne.”
After nine years of being married, the “Spider Man” actor, Tobey Maguire and wife Jennifer Meyer, a jewelry designer, call it quits, reports say
Justin Bieber’s frustration set in when he took a break in between songs to talk to his fans about being far from his family and friends during his latest concert in the United Kingdom, reports say.
“Dancing With The Stars” cast Amber Rose had another melt down during a rehearsal for their episode and was captured on video sobbing, saying she is going home.
Weeks after the announcement of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt getting a divorce, Jolie was seen having a good time with kids and her brother, James Haven, in a beach in Malibu on Sunday.
Reports claim that "Train to Busan" movie, after its phenomenal blockbuster hit in Asia and in the Pacific, will have a sequel, featuring heartthrob duo, Song Joong-Ki and Lee Min Ho.
Toni Braxton is back after her hospitalization in Cleveland on Saturday afternoon and is heading towards Chicago to perform one of her scheduled “The Hits Tour,” a statement from her Twitter account reads. In the latest Tweet, Braxton, 49, is excited to see her fans.
Republican Party's Presidential contender Donald Trump lambasted on his Twitter account NBC's Saturday Night Live's parody of the televised Second Presidential Debate, saying it is boring and unfunny show. He also accused the SNL's lampoon show as a hit job on him.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM