Beyonce and Jay Z are said to be in constant fights with Beyonce considering a separation trial.
Calvin Harris is reported to be cheating to Taylor Swift.
While 18,000 new species are discovered every year, most are being threatened due to pollution and poaching.
Charter Communications Inc. has agreed to buy Time Warner Cable Inc. for $56 billion.
Ann Cameron managed to cure the fourth phase of her cancer with two-and-half kilograms of carrot juice everyday!
Just drinking beer and living with a positive attitude can make you stay alive for years.
Last Saturday, she celebrated just another birthday---her 116th.
Getting involved in part-time work helps the Dutch to save time for other recreational acitivities, which makes them happy.
Teenagers who are obese or overweight are twice as likely to develop bowel cancer symptoms later in life according to a new study.
Ehud Olmert, the man who led Israel, is now incarcerated.
With 12 Chinese herbs, the Ren Shen Yangrong Tang, a Chinese herbal soup, can treat Qi deficiency, which leads to fatigue in recovering cancer patients.
George Soros, a rich investor, said that military spending is rising in China and it could lead to World War III soon.
The actress called off her plans to attend the Met Gala in New York leading to speculation that she is yet to move on.
An all-men drinking society has announced to hold jelly fights, mock fights involving scantily clad women.
As more details are coming to light, it is becoming clear that Bobbi Kristina and her long-time love Nick Gordon had a fight before she was found unconscious in her bathtub.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM