The 5,500 percent increase in price for Daraprim, the only available treatment for toxoplasmosis, raised an outcry against the drug company, Turing Pharmaceuticals.
The terms and conditions of Bobbi Kristina's legacy are still being debated.
Best-selling Author Jackie Collins had revealed that if her latest book 'The Santangelos' was ever adapted into a movie she would love it if Angelina Jolie would play the role of the strong matriarchal figure Lucky Satangelo, as she finds the actress absolutely fitting for the role.
Surgery has helped Yadira Rostro to get rid of eight tapeworms that had been eating away her brain.
Researchers found that the gender of participants was by far the strongest predictor of what men and women wanted in their partners in the long run.
Rising temperature in the Chesapeake could counter the ability of blue crabs to be able to thrive in low-oxygen water.
Alise Nipper had drowned in a pool earlier this year and was resuscitated after 12 minutes of CPR.
Will Benjen Stark make his return to help fight the Boltons in "Games of Thrones" season 6?
Johnny Cueto's elbow is being questioned by many teams after his slow start with the Royals/
Roy HIbbert is ready to help improve the Lakers defense for this season.
The New York Jets are hoping that their great start to the season will continue into Week 2 when they take on the Indianapolis Colts Monday night.
Could Vanessa Rousso get the boot right before the season finale of "Big Brother 17"?
Dakota Johnson made a public emergence few days back and revealed numerous secrets and details regarding her all famous sequel of Fifty Shades of Grey.
Fast 8 will soon be released in 2017 with new characters and developments in the plot.
Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux are not divorcing.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM