Bill Cosby's character continues to degrade as more information into his past gets revealed.
Big butts in a woman signify deeper curved spines, which is why men prefer such women, according to scientific study.
Every hour of additional sitting in leisure can up a woman's risk of cancers including those of breast, ovaries and the bone marrow.
The new study says though the relative risk if high, the overall risk of death during delivery is still low and that epileptic women should not be scared.
Though the study found that women taking SSRIs are at 76 percent higher risk of bone fractures, UK's NHS said that the actual risk is small.
The research is being taken up following some important questions raised by top experts in the field last month.
The women's birthrate increased for the first time in seven years, a new study reported.
Jennifer Lopez is sued by the Moroccan government for having 'disgraceful scenes' and being 'sexually suggestive' in her performance
Eating the placenta might be trendy but there's not any scientific evidence that it protects against depression, pain or has any other benefit.
The advisory panel to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has voted in favor of approving flibanseri, dubbed the "female Viagra" pill.
Researchers said sans studies to show benefits and risks, women eating placenta are ingesting something they know nothing about.
A new study found that while both men and women financially dependent on their spouses could cheat on them, men were more likely to do so
By tweaking the memory consolidation process, researchers at UT Austin successfully helped study participants unlearn bias.
An all-men drinking society has announced to hold jelly fights, mock fights involving scantily clad women.
Dense breast tissue alone is not a good predictor of breast cancer risk, a new study reported.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM