NASA's New Horizons probe has sent back the first images of the Pluto and the five moons that orbit it.
If successfully, solar sailing could make space travel lighter and affordable.
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has shown that Andromeda's halo is larger than earlier estimated.
The system can help prevent a Challenger like disaster by separating the astronaut-carrying capsule from a burning rocket.
Jennifer Lawrence will reportedly be paid $20 million to star opposite Chris Pratt in Sony's space drama, "Passengers,"
EGS-zs8-1 is the oldest and farthest galaxy that scientists have ever come across.
Recent tests with EM Drive technology have reportedly seen success.
The probe crashed into Mercury on Thursday ending a 11-year journey that began in 2004.
Hawking warns that unless we go into space, we cannot survive beyond 1,000 years.
The map shows galaxy concentrations and color codes matter.
Researchers have mathematically shown that universe could be explained without the third dimension.
Hubble Space Telescope was launched aboard the Discovery space shuttle twenty-five years ago to provide us with an "unobstructed view of the universe."
A supervoid that measures 1.8 billion light years wide, could explain the Cold Spot seen in cosmic background.
Using EUSO's infrared telescope to track debris, the ISS could fire laser and get rid of junk.
Researchers at University of Buffalo claim that information within the black hole can be discerned.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM