Researchers use the drug D-cyloserine to treat 35 children, involving an ingredient to help them learn and overcome their phobias.
A Monrovian woman has contracted ebola after unprotected sex with a survivor.
Cosmic rays might damage the brains of astronauts, says a new study. The study looked into the effects of high-energy radiation on mouse neurons and concluded that mice when exposed to radiation similar to what is found in space start degrading brain cells and perform worse in cognitive tests.
A team of ornithologists has discovered a new species of warbler from China that whistles uniquely. The new species has been named Locustella chengi.
A study conducted by the Salk Institute and the Chinese Academy of Science has published new data that is now considered to be a major advancement towards developing a better understanding of the aging process.
The probe crashed into Mercury on Thursday ending a 11-year journey that began in 2004.
CIA's infamous torture program was secretly supported by the American Psychological Association, the organization that publishes the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders," which is considered the "Bible" of psychiatric conditions.
The MMR vaccine has vanquished rubella from North and South America.
Research finds that Type-2 Diabetics can monitor their glucose spikes by adding more proteins to their meals.
One pet dog began to transmit plague to four persons in Colorado, and died while the four humans got cured.
University of Arizona researchers studied the beetle's anatomy to learn how it fires hot chemicals in short rapid bursts.
A new map fixed by Google shows which are the most popular cost of items in the world, which varies from place to place.
Antibodies that can root out and obliterate tumours have been isolated by scientists.
Research has hit upon a new enzyme that can help to change blood types.
Researchers at the T.J. Watson Research Laboratory were able to detect two quantum errors simultaneously and also developed circuitry that can be scaled up.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM