Research shows that there is clear evidence about violent videos tending to make children harmful, according to research.
Research shows that women putting in more than 40 hours in their work week suffer from late conception.
In spite of being the most populous as well as rapacious species, a momentous event can still erase humans from the planet, say scientists.
Julian Bond has been called a hero due to his untiring fight for civil rights throughout his life.
Darlene Arviso drives 50 miles a day to supply water to 250 families.
Scientists feel that due to more cooked carbs, the human brain could consume more calories and grow bigger.
Studies link higher intelligence scores in young adulthood with better performance in middle age.
While the big corporations brainwash the public, not too many know about it, explains an investigative journalist.
Research points out that coal emissions are leading to an unhealthy and deadly atmosphere in China.
The 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act can pull out the stops that make voting accessible to all Americans, notes the President.
Research shows that a woman gets interested in sex only after she has eaten well.
Research shows that children who suffer from sex development disorders tend to face problems in their physical as well as mental development.
With the changing weather conditions and rising population, the world would be facing severe food crises.
A new toddler planet has been discovered, and could indicate how our earth was formed, say scientists.
Blocking a single gene has helped scientists to make mice less fearful and anxious, and also smarter.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM