Harrison Barnes is day-to-day after he sprained his knee during the Golden State Warriors preseason game against the Denver Nuggets.
MIley Cyrus is planning a completely naked concert!
Lamar Odom is currently in bad condition and is struggling for life in a Las Vegas hospital.
New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick says he has not been to a grocery store in years.
Jamie Dornan and Amelia Warner do not appear to be divorcing any time soon contrary to the rumors.
Jennifer Lawrence thinks that actresses are not receiving the same financial benefits compared to their male counterparts.
Wendy Williams labelled Taylor Swift as 'Queen of the Mean."
Brad Pitt is trying to become a good role model to his kids.
Kylie Jenner cut her live stream short last night presumably to support her family after Lamar Odom was found unconscious.
Scientists conducted a test to determine that lithium is not only effective for adults but also safe for children.
The story of a pretty Taiwan model whose life was ruined by an advertising photo of her posing with homely children tweaks the hearts of readers. It's all a myth, but there's also a twist.
Though there are speculatioins on Johnny Depp's winning of a golden statuette, he says he is not interested.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that he intended to remove the Islamic State groups.
Millennial children are so addicted to social media sites and their selfies that they might seek drastic solutions to their problems.
A black magic confidence trickster has been sent to prison in Thailand for 20 years after being caught in elaborate sexual schemes.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM