Soy And Cancer: Recent Study Confirms That It Can Reduce The Risk Of Some Cancers; How Effective Is It?

By Jeff Thompson - 07 Mar '17 15:56PM

The health benefits of Soy is an important subject of discussion for a long time. It is found that the while researchers agree with the importance of the plant protein and its health benefits, other studies are confirming its relation with increased breast cancers. Studies have even proved that the soybeans and other soy products like tofu can help in weight reduction, cardiovascular health, and preventing certain cancers.

There are also reports that the soy creates allergies in users. The most controversial dispute is regarding its effects in breast cancers as some studies say it can cause the breast cancer, whereas other studies confirm its active role in reducing the breast cancer. A recent study by Dr. Fang Fang Zhang from the Friedman School of Nutrition Science at Tufts University confirmed that soy reduces the growth of breast cancer both in labs and in patients, but it also reduced the effectiveness of the hormone therapy that used to treat breast cancer.

It is found that an estrogenic compound called isoflavone, and its relation to cancer is defining the worthiness in soy's effectiveness. The years of study has proved that people have a higher intake of the isoflavone found to have up to 21 percent reduced risk. However, Zhang suggested that more research would reveal the facts like what quantity of soy can give a beneficial result against cancer or what percent of intake can cause a risk of cancer, etc.

In the 1980s, the researchers found that soy reduces the risk of pancreatic cancer. In the early 90s, studies suggested the presence of anti-carcinogenic components in it, and researchers have proposed that it could be used to prevent cancers. In 1996, the study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, & Prevention, stated that it could stimulate breast cancer. In the 2000s, many studies which suggested contradictory reports on soy and breast cancer. It can be concluded that the latest one wouldn't be the last and more research may come out in future.

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