'Ghost Recon: Wildlands' News & Update: Open Beta Download Available For PS4, Xbox One & PC; New Provinces Opens

By Carrie Winters - 21 Feb '17 18:05PM

The open beta download for "Ghost Recon: Wildlands" is now available on PS4, Xbox One and PC. Players can now explore what the new features are in the game.

According to a report, the open beta for "Ghost Recon: Wildlands" is available for all platforms. For the players that have the close beta installed, it takes 21 GB file to have the open beta on the PlayStation 4. A fresh download on PC is a 23.55 GB file while a 20.8 GB file is needed for Xbox One.

The same report also stated that it takes bigger files to download the open beta since the "Ghost Recon: Wildlands" has a new map. New provinces are added to the game in this open beta. The open beta for the game will not provide the details of the full game yet.

A report indicated that those players who will download the open beta will get a chance to unlock an exclusive mission for "Ghost Recon: Wildlands." The "Unidad Conspiracy" mission will start a war between the Unidad and Santa Barbara cartel.

The Unidad is a local corrupt militia group. This open beta can be played with the same Ubisoft account before March 31. Additionally, the open beta will present more challenges for players than the close beta for "Ghost Recon: Wildlands."

Meanwhile, there are two provinces that can be played in "Ghost Recon: Wildlands" open beta. These locations include the mountains of Itacua and the snowy backdrop of Montuyoc. The players can also team up to up to four players or go with a single-player mode.

The update for "Ghost Recon: Wildlands" is accessible on Feb 23 but is already available now. Players can already download the game because of its huge files. There are more to the open beta once the player tries it and plays with it.

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