Dishonored 2 News: Player Proves There Are 80 Ways To Kill Kirin Jindosh

By Luna Curtis - 29 Nov '16 05:05AM

Giving players freedom to do pretty much what they want within a video game is what makes Dishonored 2 a likable game. Some people just find narrow narrative type games boring and predictable, not to mention it hinders the creativity of a player. There are more than 1 ways to skin a cat, and apparently, this is the game's slogan.

When killing a target, Dishonored 2 offers its players a very large room for adding their personal creativity. Killing by stealth has been here for quite some time, this is the most preferred one and requires a lot of patience. Others prefer to be like Robocop or Rambo where they could just bash thru the door and all hell breaks loose. And there are certain people creative enough, if not bored enough, to combine the two strategies and stage a magnificent way to kill everyone.

Kirin Jindosh is one character in Dishonored 2 that players just love to kill over and over again. Jindosh is said to be Duke of Serkonos' Grand inventor and he also established the Clockwork Soldiers. Much player hatred has built up against this character that a YouTube user, Cosmic Contrarion, found 80 creative ways to kill him. It is important to note that this is a video game and should not be done in real life. As of this writing, the video just went past 120,000 views. A wonderful classical music is also incorporated in his video which makes it more creative, or more psycho so to speak.

One of the kill creativity shown in the video are Jindosh shoved down an elevator shaft, kicked in the crotch, and shot with a plethora of arrows. The spectacular compilation of kills for Dishonored 2 is around 16 minutes long but it is worth every second, especially for those who hate Jindosh so much. Play the video below for the actual proof of Jindosh's 80 ways to die in Dishonored 2.

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