'Uncharted 4: Survival' Release Date, News & Updates: Survival Mode Release Date Announced, Details Of The Twists Revealed!

By R. A. Jayme - 22 Nov '16 09:42AM

With the multiplayer roadmap released back in the spring, "Uncharted 4" have announced a co-op multiplayer survival mode which will be coming in mid-December. The survival mode will feature Nathan Drake and friends against 50 waves of enemies from merc fodder to flaming pirates.

Visitors to next week's PlayStation Experience event will be the first to try their hands at Uncharted 4: Survival, in which up to three players attempt to outlive a series of increasingly difficult foes. The PlayStation blog announcement post says players of "Uncharted" 2 and 3's co-op arena modes should "feel right at home."

As reported by Game Spot, Survival has 10 maps and 50 total waves of enemies, which are Shoreline mercs, armored brutes, snipers, and hunters. As stated, they all become more difficult to defeat as waves progress. After every 10 waves, you'll face off against legendary pirates from the game's campaign, one of which is Henry Avery. He is literally on fire in the video above; see him starting at around 45 seconds in.

To make it through waves, you not only need to defeat enemies but also complete objectives like collect treasure in a pre-set time or defeat specially marked enemies. There will also be on-the-fly modifiers to mix things up such as one where you only have pistols. Another is one where only headshots and melee attacks do damage.

Throughout Survival, players will earn cash (just like in multiplayer), which can then be spent on better weapons and items. Additionally, Survival has its own progression system, separate from standard multiplayer. Players will earn weapon upgrades and new items, while some boosters will be exclusive to Survival. What's more, Survival will have multiple difficulty modes, including Hard and Crushing.

Survival, like its previous expansions, is completely free. It arrives in mid-December, and people who attend PlayStation Experience (December 3-4) can play it first, according to Kotaku.

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