Sony 'PlayStation' New Virtual Reality Device Review

By Joyce Vega - 13 Oct '16 20:22PM

Sony joins the race of VR technologies, by adding its own set to the market. "PlayStation" fans are definitely excited for this set, waiting to get their hands on the latest entertainment device.

According to Forbes, the new Sony virtual reality set is expected to come out on October 13, The Playstation VR will be in direct competition with Facebook's Oculus Rift and HTC's Vive VR, but which one offer the best, most immersive experience, only time can tell, for now, only a quick review of Sony's product and its capabilities is the best that can be done.

First comes the price, which even though steep, is still the best bargain on the Virtual Reality market. For the modest price of $399 you can become an owner of the newest Sony Virtual Reality Headset, and test it out through some of the free titles available for download at PlayStation Site catalogues.

This brings out the first problem with the Sony Virtual Reality Headset. For it to properly function, it has to be contacted directly to a PS4. This brings about two problems with the VR Headset.

First is whether the user owns a Sony Playstation 4 console, if not, then the price goes up with $300 more to supply the user with a console. The second problem comes to performance. A three year old hardware cannot be expected to keep up for long with the ever changing and improving capabilities of the PC. At some point the Playstation 4 will reach the limits of its processor and constrained memory.

For now the Sony VR Headset still hold on in its performance. GQ share their experience in using the Sony VR Headset, as being one of the most ergonomic and comfortable VR Headsets on the market. It is relatively simple to connect to the Sony Playstation 4, where the biggest issue comes from the motion capture camera, which should cover all angles of movement, which at certain point can be hard to achieve.

When it comes to the games themselves, only complaints come from the lack of indication about the required position of the player as well as the rise of nausea from the fast movement and flashing colours, after more than an hour of use. When it comes to the Sony VR Headset and its wide-ranged catalogue of games and future titles to come out, only time and fans can show how well they will perform.

For now, only comfort lies in the fact that the Sony Virtual Reality Headset is quite comfortable to wear, relatively cheap to its competitors and for now, the Playstation 4 can still hold out to its requirements and those of the market.

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