‘Empire’ Season 3 Episode 2 ‘Sin That Ammends’ News and Updates 2016: Episode Dips Into Police Brutality, Gets Praise In Social Media

By Maria Alamban - 30 Sep '16 03:26AM

Recent news on police brutality has angered more people concerned. Some netizens bravely post on their social media accounts to increase awareness. On "Empire" season 3 episode 2, the topic on police brutality was taken on and it has instantly stormed the web.

A number of active twitter users were featured in CNN's report for expressing their gratitude and praise towards the show. The show which follows the lives of musically-inclined Lyons (African-American family) has now dipped into Police Brutality through Andre Martin Lyon (Trai Byers). At the start of "Empire" Season 3 Episode 2, viewers witness how Andre was struggling after losing his wife, Rhonda.

"Empire" Season 3 Episode 2 eventually shifted to another dilemma which Andre is about to face: police brutality. As his way of moving on, Andre decided to sell his old house. And as he was transferring his things from his old home into his new house, he encountered police men who were interrogating his movement.

A lot of viewers have identified themselves in the scene and went to social media to announce their praises for "Empire" Season 3 Episode 2. In an interview by The Hollywood Reporter, writer Carlito Rodriguez revealed why the show had to do the scene. He specifically pointed out that the show wanted "to strip away (Andre's) protection."

The writer also admitted that the show have been thinking about the angle for quite some time and they intended to include it in "Empire" Season 2. Rodriguez pointed out another interesting twist of the show that will focus on the family's emotional encounter, even when they almost got everything they needed in life.

He emphasized the safety problems black people encounter in the United States, even when they're "rich and cultured and manicured". The "Empire" Season 2 series shows on Fox every Wednesday at 9 PM.

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