Elder Scrolls: Golden Edition Available for Xbox One, Bethesda Says Sony Refuses PS4 Mods

By Ramon Ramiro - 12 Sep '16 08:00AM

Xbox One players have more and more reasons to celebrate as Elder Scrolls: Golden Edition is now available for download, according to MS Power User. This edition comes bundled with 4 DLC game packs: Imperial City, Orsinium, Thieves Guild, and Dark Brotherhood.

According to Elder Scrolls Online, Elder Scrolls: Golden Edition allows you to freely explore the vast world that is Tamriel. Join PvP-focused battles, master thievery, become a deadly assassin, or aid the Orc King in rebuilding their city, in this edition of the award-winning fantasy game. There's no subscription required to play this game.

Meanwhile, PS4 players are still waiting in the dust, as Bethesda says that Sony refuses to allow user mods. In a statement released in September 9, Bethesda informs PS4 players that while they've been ready to offer mod support for the PS4, Sony will not approve user mods where users can do what they want. This applies to both Fallout 4 and Skyrim Special Edition.

"Like you, we are disappointed by Sony's decision given the considerable time and effort we have put into this project, and the amount of time our fans have waited for mod support to arrive ... However, until Sony will allow us to offer proper mod support for PS4, that content for Fallout 4 and Skyrim on PlayStation 4 will not be available."

Bethesda promises to give an update if ever the situation changes, however things look bleak for Bethesda's PS4 fans for now. According to The USB Port, Bethesda first announced that the Gold Edition will arrive for both Xbox One and PS4 in October, with the remastered version coming with full mod support as well.

However, while the mod support for the Xbox One was already released in May, the PS4 release was delayed due to sound and texture issues. Since then, the PS4 still hasn't received mod support, with Bethesda VP of Marketing and PR, Pete Hines, implying that Sony was the one holding things up.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Golden Edition is available for download from the Xbox Store for $59.99

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