Kpop News: BigHit Entertainment Releases NOTICE Regarding The Chaos Aroused At The Airport

By Lord Justin Castillo - 09 Jun '16 11:30AM

On June 8, BTS's agency BigHit Entertainment released their NOTICE of requests to the fans to follow etiquette and to display safeness for BTS and for fans sake after the chaotic situation aroused at Taiwan airport during the arrival of the group.

Below is the official notice delivered by BigHit Entertainment requesting fans to follow etiquette, watch out for their own and the boys' safety, and also respect BTS for the people they are.

[NOTICE] BigHit Entertainment notice regarding the BTS Tour in Asia

BigHit Entertainment would like to share our regrets over the recent incidents when some fans showed their affection for BTS in a wrong manner. Such attitude of a small number of people can and do cause harm on a lot of people, including BTS members.
BTS is participating in '2016 BTS LIVE [The Most Beautiful Moment in Life on stage: epilogue] tour for countries such as Taiwan, Japan and so on. Some fans...
-used the same airlines with BTS on purpose and kept trying to talk to BTS or taking pictures of the members, despite restraints by BigHit staff and security guards.
- tried to sit next to BTS members on board,
- attempted to get a hold of BTS members by making physical contacts and etc.
BigHit Entertainment takes safety of BTS and fans as number one priority and does its best to secure the safety of BTS members by allocating as many security guards as possible on site. We also politely ask fans to stay safe and to follow the fan etiquettes.
If any of the incidents on the above list happens, BTS and fans will be affected directly. It will also damage the image and future activities of BTS very seriously. To prevent such unpleasant incidents and to help BTS successfully finish the tour, Big Hit Entertainment hereby asks all the fans to follow the etiquette and rules mutually agreed among fans around the world.

BTS and BigHit Entertainment are always grateful for your love and support.
Thank you for your kind cooperation and understanding.

From BigHit Entertainment

BTS are also reportedly okay and got nothing to worry about. During BTS press conference in Taiwan, BTS member Jimin and the rest of the members confirmed to be just doing fine.


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