Miami Heat News and Rumors: Chris Bosh Pressuring Team to Let Him Play Again After Blood Clot Injury

By Jenn Loro - 03 May '16 12:55PM

Things are starting to get messier between Chris Bosh and Miami Heat which could result to a looming fallout following the team's refusal to let the player on the court for the playoffs since his blood clot injury during the All-Star break.

While they understand Bosh's burning desire to return, medical experts are advising against his plan to play without going through a complete rehabilitation. Doctors as well as the Heat's top brass fear that a second blood clot could become catastrophic for the Miami veteran.

"This runs the risk of getting problematic here at a bad time, because Chris Bosh wants on the court. It's obvious that Chris Bosh wants on the court and that he's pressuring the organization," said sports analyst Dan LeBatard as quoted by SB Nation.

"[The Heat are] telling me that they're protecting him from him, but he doesn't feel any symptoms. This doesn't feel like the last time. All the doctors the Heat are talking to are saying, and they're the foremost authorities on this stuff, 'Hey, a second recurrence of a blood clot situation could be catastrophic, where you've got a death on the court.'"

To pressure the organization, Bosh has been actively airing his side by taking it to the social media as he posted videos of himself working out and doing rounds of basketball shots. His wife even runs a Twitter campaign with the hashtag #BringBoshBack in a bid to turn public opinion in their favor.

If the social media campaign isn't enough, the player even tries to get the league's players' association to intervene so that he could get back to court in the playoffs, Sports Illustrated reported.

Bosh only managed to play 44 games in the past regular season but missed every game after a blood clot health problem forced him to miss every game since February.

While he's not playing, Bosh assumes an extra assistant coaching job in the bench for the past two months of not playing. He even traveled with the team for road games and even in the locker room to get his teammates in the mood for playing.

To have a credible claim for him to return, Bosh has been relentlessly trying to get a second medical opinion which would help justify his return.

"They've scoured the globe trying to find the doctor who will clear them and they've got someone that they feel comfortable about, but that does not pair against the number of other opinions on the other side," Le Batard added as per Palm Beach Post report.

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