‘Battlefield 5' release date and rumors: Leaked EA Play Image of the Game is Fake, Sources Confirm

By Kanika Gupta - 31 Mar '16 16:03PM

According to a leak, the game will use EA Play's three-day off-site event to reveal the first look of Battlefront 5, named Eastern Front.

As per the name, the next installment of the game will be set in Russia, in-line with the widespread speculation about the game's theme based on World War 1, after other leaks that made the game appear so.

Involvement of former EA executive, Nick Earl, in the launch of supposed "Mercenaries 3," also gave away the fact that the leak is indeed fake. Many ardent fans of the game already know that Nick left the company last year.

At the same time, there is another leak doing the rounds that discusses EA's plans for Battlefield iteration after the game has been launched. According to the leak, first DLC of the game will be revealed on Dec 6, which means that "Battlefield 5" should be released much before that.

However, it is important to note that this DLC is also named as "Eastern Front," which makes it appear like this information too may be inaccurate or worse, fake.

For now, it is safe to say that any conclusive information about "Battlefield 5" is not out yet, even though it is anticipated to release this year.

Fake or genuine, there is one thing that fans agree on unanimously and that is the game setting of "Battlefield 5." World War 1 is expected to be its main theme and backdrop.

There have also been other leaks in the past that indicate "Battlefield 5" will also be released on Nintendo NX, most likely next year.

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