Women Working Too Much And Are Lifting Heavy Load Might Find It Difficult To Get Pregnant

By Staff Reporter - 19 Aug '15 10:24AM

Working for more than 40 hours per week and being constantly physically exhausted may delay the chances of getting pregnant, a recent study finds.

In a research conducted by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, it was said that working for more than 40 hours per week and jobs that required lifting heavy loads among women is directly linked to a lowered percentage of getting pregnant, The Market Business said.

"Our results show that heavy work, both in terms of physical strain and long hours, appears to have a detrimental impact on female nurses' ability to get pregnant," author Audrey Gaskins, a researcher at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston said via email to the media.

The study involved 1739 nurse participants who tried to get pregnant from 2010-2014. Sixteen percent of them failed to get pregnant within one year and 5% did not successfully conceive after 24 months, NYC Today reported.

The study further said that participants, through their answers in a baseline questionnaire, who worked for over 40 hours per week had a 20% increase of time to conceive than those who worked less.

Lifting or moving about 25 pounds several times a day also has a detrimental effect of a 50% estimated delay of pregnancy.

Among the factors that the study did not include to consider is the frequency of night shifts or the duration of rotating or non-rotating evening work, according to Eye Witness News said.

Researchers also did not include women who do not have a regular menstrual cycle.

Meanwhile, Courtney Lynch, a specialist in reproductive health at Ohio State University in Columbus tried to contest the results of the study in an email.

In a statement, Lynch said that fewer sexual intercourse due to a busy schedule may have more effect on the results.

"If this effect is real, it is likely due to the fact that these women are having less frequent intercourse due to their work demands," she said.

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