Apple Watch Launches In Seven New Countries, To Launch In Three More By July 17

By Kamal Nayan - 26 Jun '15 15:58PM

Apple watch has lunched in seven new countries: Italy, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, and Taiwan. The wearable will be launching in three more countries: The Netherlands, Sweden, and Thailand on July 17.

This will bring the total availability up to 19 countries.

The news comes from the country's local Apple websites.

According to reports, nations that should be getting Apple Watch sometime in the next six months are India, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, New Zealand, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Austria, Russia, Finland, Turkey, and Brazil.

The CultofMac noted that Apple is likely finalizing distribution agreements with some of these countries, so some or all of them could be part of that July 17 launch date.

"We're also making great progress with the backlog of Apple Watch orders, and we thank our customers for their patience," said Jeff Williams, Apple's senior vice president of Operations. "All orders placed through May, with the sole exception of Apple Watch 42 mm Space Black Stainless Steel with Space Black Link Bracelet, will ship to customers within two weeks. At that time, we'll also begin selling some models in our Apple Retail Stores."

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