A new study shows that the Antarctic Ocean remains uninfluenced by climate change as well as global warming due to "deep, old water" that is continuously pulled up to the ocean's surface.
University of Montana scientists suggest that the boreal forests of Canada have undergone wildfires sparked off by climate change.
Contrary to assessment of the IPCC that there was a slowdown in global warming in the last 15 years, the new study accounted 2013 and 2014 temperature data to conclude that the upward trend continued.
Researchers at MIT found that the lakes cannot drain into the sea as the ice within the ice sheet is thick and does not crack vertically.
Glaciers in the Southern Antarctic Peninsula are shedding ice at an increasing rate since 2009.
A new study revised earlier estimates to estimate that the rate of sea level rise is faster than earlier calculations.
A new study shows that present rates of warming caused by humans can be attributed to 18 percent of all extreme hot and rainy weather events.
Researchers have shown that the greenhouse increased 22 parts per million between 2000 and 2010 due to burning fossil fuels which surface increased warming.
A new study has shown that volcanic activity may have helped warming rates level off over the last 15 years.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM