Partial findings released by the US National Toxicology Program reveal that mobile phone usage is somehow linked to cancer and growth of brain tumors. However, some experts remain unconvinced as there have been no reports of dramatic surge in cancer cases since mobile handsets came into widespread use in the 90’s.
Duke University has implanted an electrode in a rat's brain that along with external hardware can give extra infrared sense to the rodent.
With the help of rats, APOPO, a Belgian non-profit, has managed to sweep out 13,200 mines from minefields.
The baby died after succumbing to rat bite marks. The parents claimed the rodents had eaten way the fingers and eye of the child.
Sleeping rats dream of places they wish to go, according to a new study.
Researchers attributed holes in some variants of Swiss cheese like Emmental and Appenzell to hay flecks.
Japanese researchers created a headgear with implantable electrodes that allowed rats to navigate like they could see.
A new study has arrived at conclusions based on analysis of climate preceding the outbreaks.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM