
Natural Bacteria Fertilise Tree Branches

By R. Siva Kumar - May 24, 2016 09:39 AM EDT

Tree branches rely on natural bacteria to fertilise them, just like humans.

Earth's First Mass Extinction Was By Animals, Not Volcano, Study

By R. Siva Kumar - Sep 07, 2015 09:01 AM EDT

Recent research found that the evolution of animals led to the earth's first mass extinction, rather than a meteorite or super volcano.

Household Dust Reveals Striking Differences Between Individuals

By Peter R - Aug 27, 2015 04:03 PM EDT

Scientists discovered they could tell the man to woman ration, pets and even the location of the house by inspecting dust.

NASA Spots A 'Crab'-Like Object In Mars

By R. Siva Kumar - Aug 06, 2015 10:58 PM EDT

The crab may just be imagination, but the public is going wild asking NASA to go back and recheck.

Are You There, Life In Space?

By R. Siva Kumar - Jun 20, 2015 02:28 PM EDT

Scientists claim that life in space can be found out in another decade or so.

Ocean Microbes Can Affect Cloud Formation and Climate: Study

By Peter R - May 19, 2015 04:42 PM EDT

The organic compound in sea spray aerosols can influence cloud formation and brightness

Numerous "Suffocating" Dead Zones In Atlantic Ocean Identified By Biologists

By R. Siva Kumar - May 04, 2015 05:51 PM EDT

A team of researchers have discovered that a number of deadly dead zones could be a threat to nearby organisms and human habitations in the Atlantic Ocean.

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