
Video: Man Pays Prostitute With Charity Money And An Expensive Primate

By R. Siva Kumar - Apr 25, 2016 06:49 AM EDT

Nathan McClain, the owner of the Zany Zoo Pet Store, paid a sex worker money from a girl scouts jar and tipped her an exotic primate.

Burmese drug bribes discovered by citizens' action

By David Allen - Oct 26, 2015 09:27 AM EDT

A group of concerned citizens in northern Burma launched a crackdown on illegal drugs - and accidentally found proof that government authorities are on the take from the drug gangs.

Hitler Stoked Army With Drugs

By R. Siva Kumar - Sep 17, 2015 10:12 AM EDT

German author Norman Ohler gave an insight in his new book on the Nazi army's use of methamphetamine during World War II.

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