
World's Oldest Marine Vegetarian Reptile Has a Hammerhead Mouth

By Jenn Loro - May 09, 2016 12:08 PM EDT

Scientists have recently discovered what they thought may have been the world’s oldest marine vegetarian reptile. First discovered in China in 2014, the crocodile-sized reptile had a hammerhead face with specialized yet bizarre-looking snout used for scraping algae on the ocean floor.

A Mammal-Like Reptile Shared Time And Space With Ancient Mammals

By R. Siva Kumar - Apr 27, 2016 03:27 PM EDT

The discovery of a strange, mammal-like reptile shows that this species lived in the same age as ancient mammals, giving clues to evolution.

Eye Shapes Are Different For Predators And Prey

By R. Siva Kumar - Aug 09, 2015 05:04 PM EDT

Vertical pupils and circular pupils help certain predators hunt, while horizontal pupils help other species spot predators from afar

60 Percent Of Large Herbivores On The Verge of Extinction, New Survey Finds

By Kamal Nayan - May 04, 2015 03:02 AM EDT

60 percent of large herbivores are on the verge of extinction, according to a new study. Researchers considered 74 big herbivores including tapirs, zebras, European bison, Eastern gorillas and rhinos for the study and concluded that there's been a considerable decline in their population.

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