A new study from Mayo Clinic discovered that dementia can be prevented if seniors engage in brain stimulating activities.
The University of Eastern Finland just released a new study stating that sauna baths may be linked in reducing the risk of dementia in men. The study was conducted on 2,315 healthy men whose age ranged from 42-60 years old who participated in the Kuopio Ischemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study (KIHD).
Research from Uppsala University explains that men whose blood cells do not have Y chromosomes may be more likely to suffer from Alzheimer's disease and get affected by cancer.
Newly developed eye scan called optical coherence tomography (OCT) may offer new hope of detecting early signs of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. By assessing beta-amyloid protein buildup in the retina, doctors may now have enough time window to prepare for a treatment before the onset of major symptoms.
New study reveals that anti-coagulation drug warfarin is linked to heightened risks of dementia. The dilemma for doctors is that while the blood-thinning medication entails risks of developing amnesia, the drug remains one of the most effective life-saving treatment by reducing the dangers of blood clotting that increases the likelihood of stroke and other cardiovascular diseases.
A new study links physical activities to lowered risks of having memory impairments like Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. The study reveals that the more physically active a person becomes, the more grey matter he has- grey areas are regions in the brain responsible for many of our critical cognitive functions like speech and memory.
Will Ferrell decided to not act in "Reagan," in which he was about to star as Ronald Reagan. The comedy was focused on his struggle with Alzheimer's disease.
A Danish-led study by researchers at the University of Copenhagen suggests links between Rosacea, a skin condition characterized by facial redness, and high risks of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. However, experts are quick to note that absolute risk for neurodegenerative diseases among Rosacea patients remains low.
Early NFL retirement is becoming a trend among the current generation of players as public knowledge of concussion-related health conditions grows. Rather than suffer the irreversible effects of head trauma for the rest of their lives, some players decide to hang up their cleats before it’s too late.
Experts found that noting the frequency of computer use by older adults can help to predict Alzheimer's risk.
Experts studying patients with primary progressive aphasia, a rare form of dementia linked to language loss, found amyloid build-up in the left side of their brains.
According to a recent research conducted by Rutgers University and published in the Journal of Neuroscience, the drug RGFP966 primarily used to treat cancer, appears to have the potential to keep the brain cells alive and enhance memory.
A new study shows that rigorous action needs to be taken to cure dementia.
Scientists discover that a compound present in red wine and chocolate may slow down the progress of Alzheimer's.
In participants with Alzheimer's who were given resveratrol equivalent in quantities found in 1,000 bottles of red wine a day, the progress of dementia was halted.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM