Researchers have warned the impact early springs could have on agriculture and ecological systems.
Scientists show that climate change can "decouple important mutualisms" between insects as well as plants.
Researchers found that the levels were at the lowest in 500 years.
Scientists are surprised when they found that the Antarctic Ocean absorbed 1.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide in 2011, twice the amount registered in 1990.
A new study reveals the ocean's capacity to sink carbon dioxide which had saturated since the 1980s, has been reinvigorated.
President Obama talks of the dangers of global warming, even as he prepares to travel to Alaska.
Ice loss from Jakobshavn Isbrae glacier between July 31 and August 16 may just become the highest amount of ice ever lost.
The study claims emissions associated with human activity may have contributed as much as 25 percent to the natural drought.
Researchers have developed a chemical process to turn atmospheric carbon dioxide into carbon nanofibers.
With the changing weather conditions and rising population, the world would be facing severe food crises.
A study done in Britain reveals that common species today could face local extinction in several dry areas. Their immediate survival depends on improving habitats but emission cut can only dictate long-term survival.
A new study says the cooling formula used in most office buildings date to the 1960s and consider the resting metabolic rate of a man.
Health experts blame rising summer temperature for Naegleria fowleri's presence in the north.
A new study claims that extreme heat waves are causing bumblebees to die in Europe and North America.
Researchers document two occasions in the past, 125,000 years and 3 million years ago, when current warming levels over preindustrial temperatures, caused sea level to climb.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM