A new study indicates that cats prefer to interact with humans than their food. This latest study about cats has recently been published in the journal Behavioural Processes.
There were studies that suggested that cat owners are likely to suffer from psychosis. However, a latest study from the University of London indicates that there is no link between the cat and the mental disorder.
A veterinarian working with sick cats at a Manhattan shelter has been infected with a strain of influenza A virus, commonly known as the bird flu, according to city Health Department officials.
Zoologists were taken by surprise when they first spotted hyena and wolf footprints together. Direct observations later confirmed their suspicion.
Cats can now taste toxins in skin and bones to keep themselves from ingesting poison.
The new study found that cats are more independent as pets compared to dogs which are attached to humans for safety and security.
The state of Oregon has a new claim to fame: it is home to the world’s oldest cat.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM