Partial findings released by the US National Toxicology Program reveal that mobile phone usage is somehow linked to cancer and growth of brain tumors. However, some experts remain unconvinced as there have been no reports of dramatic surge in cancer cases since mobile handsets came into widespread use in the 90’s.
Regulating the protein CDC20 can restrict brain growth by as much as 95 percent.
A woman from Indiana is found out to have a teratoma in her brain from her surgery that is supposed to take out a brain tumor.
Doctors in LA removed a teratoma, an embryonic tumor that had bothered Yamini Karanam.
It is a serendipitous thing. Randy Schmitz joined a chilli sauce challenge at Flash Bang in South Carolina while on vacation when suddenly the chili has caused him seizures and an life-saving discovery.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM