A new report shows that the American Psychological Association played a key role in justifying the legality of the Central Intelligence Agency's torture program.
More than half of people who undergo medical scans such as X-rays do not know if they are exposed to radiation and many have unanswered questions even as they are waiting to undergo the test, a small U.S. survey found.
The position and length of your fingers show whether your brain is predisposed towards male or female characteristics.
In solidarity with Peanut Allergy Awareness Night, no peanuts or peanut candy will be allowed at the Indianapolis Indians' baseball game.
The Nepal earthquake disaster has shocked the world. the number of victims are increasing day after day, while the death numbers have found no end point. Rescue operations have been carried out officials from different countries. The world nations have extended their help to the situation in Nepal.
Duke researchers have shown alcohol causes memory problems in the brains of adolescents as they grow older.
Research shows that the more the number of wives (at the same time), the greater the risk of cardiovascular attacks.
The drug Kybella destroys cell membrane to kill cells and melt fat. It is approved for use only below the chin.
Studies on the impact of probiotics on the workplace show some mixed results.
State Officials on Wednesday announced that gonorrhoea cases in Washington rose by nearly 40 percent and is spreading in the city.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM