In three to five years, scientists hope to make slow-melting ice-cream available to the public.
A former Klu Klux Klan member was convicted of the murder of three people he mistook to be Jewish, including a 14-year-old boy.
Spike, the corpse flower in the Chicago Botanic Garden did not bloom even with help from scientists.
Doctors find an acute rise in the cases of cannabinoid hypermesis syndrome due to heavy marijuana use.
Research shows that the birth order of women affects their weight.
Trump said in 2008 that George Bush had got the US into a messy war with Iraq, which is now a breeding ground for terrorists.
Scientists show that hearing rudeness or even witnessing it can make the quality spread like a plague.
Research shows that just laughing together enhances your marriage.
The then 17-year-old Juan Romero was a busboy at the Ambassador Hotel, shook hands with U.S. President Robert F. Kennedy just before he was assassinated, and held his head.
Somehow, you tend to name your dog what your personality is inclined towards.
Working just 30 hours per week can enhance not only the quality, but also the quantity of work, as well as life.
Scientists discover that long after delivery, fetal cells continue to inhabit mothers' organs.
Obama will officially rename the continent's highest mountain in order to improve relations.
Known best for the killing of the unarmed black teenager, Trayvon Martin, back in 2012, Zimmerman began to shoot President Obama through his tweets.
Research shows that instilling confidence in mothers about their effectiveness can make them better parents.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM