Some Zircon samples discovered from molten rock indicate that life on Earth could have begun more than 300 million years earlier than thou it had been believed.
Cats can now taste toxins in skin and bones to keep themselves from ingesting poison.
FBI Director James Comey pointed out that many of their 900 investigations seem to be looking into Islamic State suspects.
Researchers stumble upon a new healing property for cancer and arthritis with existing drugs for cancer and arthritis.
Freddie Gray's mother Gloria Darden got injured after she tried to kill herself, but her injuries proved to be "non life-threatening," according to Baltimore cops.
Comet Lovejoy may have hit the earth at some distant past and triggered off signs of life.
In a list of addictive food items, scientists find that cheese can be a great lure.
In a study, scientists found that children who take seven or more antibiotics as children tend to put on weight faster.
The IMF's Middle East economic outlook report disclosed that Saudi Arabia may not retain their financial assets in five years if it continues its current financial policies.
A 65-year-old could locate Parkinson's disease even before it hit her husband, as well as ex-patients.
Scientists discover that crocodiles, like many birds, are able to sleep with just half a mind.
There seems to be an evolutionary trade-off between howler monkeys' vocal organs and sexual organs, discover researchers.
Caleb Dyl, a young man from Rhode Island has autism, but he did not get paid for a year's work at Applebee's.
The Allen Telescope Array that is used in the search for alien civilization near KIC 8462852 can locates beams of high-energy radiation.
Winter can still damage your skin if you have not taken enough preventive measures to protect it.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM