Charging the US government with inciting the making of the Sony movie, The Interview, North Korea declares that it will blow up US citadels, including the White House and Pentagon.
Good Samaritan Dody Patterson credits her longevity to her work and love for knitting!
The military police executed a 100 foreign joiners who wanted to leave the ISIS.
In an exclusive interview, US intellectual commentator, Noam Chomsky, warns the world of an impending nuclear war threat due to a Cold War between the US and Russia.
Research shows that super bacteria live in the waters of the 2016 sailing and surfing spots of Rio Summer Olympics.
Justice Department Head, Attorney General Eric Holder says that the Civil Rights prohibition of sex discrimination includes transgenders.
A limited survey by a parenting website concluded that 'Mohammed' is on top of the 2014 list of names for baby boys.
A New York City study shows that elementary Math is perhaps the most crucial building block in life.
An annual survey since 1975 shows a decline in abuse of alcohol, cigarettes and among US teenagers.
Stuffed toys may look great but don't enhance your relationships.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM