Twenty-two year old Karla Perez suffered a brain bleed at 24 weeks gestation. She was kept alive on life support for six weeks before she could deliver.
Researchers at the T.J. Watson Research Laboratory were able to detect two quantum errors simultaneously and also developed circuitry that can be scaled up.
The State of Air 2015 report showed that only six cities can be called cleanest. It also showed that 4 in 10 people live with harmful levels of air pollution.
The 53-year old actor is being credited for lawyer wife's elegant dressing every time the couple are spotted together.
Duke researchers have shown alcohol causes memory problems in the brains of adolescents as they grow older.
A new study found that American diets and other western diets are high in animal protein and fat while devoid of fiber. Changing to high fiber diet cut down risk of colon cancer significantly in as little as two weeks.
The AFP atop Mt. Hamilton in San Jose found three planets orbiting a star 54 light years away from Earth.
The drug Kybella destroys cell membrane to kill cells and melt fat. It is approved for use only below the chin.
After it recalled all its frozen products over fears of listeria contamination, the ice cream maker announced it would destroy all of it.
A new study shows climbing rates of binge drinking which increases risk of liver and cardiovascular diseases in the long term.
The map shows galaxy concentrations and color codes matter.
A new study shows that present rates of warming caused by humans can be attributed to 18 percent of all extreme hot and rainy weather events.
A new study found that mental health of children who faced bullying was affected more than those which faced abuse.
A new study found that average of diagnosis in girls was higher than boys for autism spectrum disorders.
Researchers have mathematically shown that universe could be explained without the third dimension.
09 Aug '24 16:35PM