Homeownership Trends for the 2020s

By Staff Reporter - 21 Dec '21 15:55PM
  • Homeownership Trends for the 2020s
  • (Photo : Pexels from Pixabay)

There's no special reason why homeownership in the 2020s should be any different from the last decade. But for reasons unknown, several trends have appeared in many of the newest residential developments. Likewise, owners of existing homes are adding some of the trendy items to their living spaces so as not to miss out on the latest fads. In addition to the booming demand for tiny houses, owners are opting to install things like doorbell cameras for enhanced security, greenhouses so they can grow their own hothouse plants, attic room conversions, and recessed lighting for a modern, sleek look. Here are details about some of the favorite add-ons and trends in the residential housing market.

Micro Homes

The small house craze has been building up for years. Working adults tend to fight against a bad economy by downsizing. In this case, that means purchasing efficient living spaces that resemble free-standing studio apartments. However, cities all over the world are allowing construction of tiny homes in select neighborhoods. Prices vary widely based on location but expect to find micros for about half the cost of traditional one-bedroom homes in your area.

Doorbell Cameras

For consumers who like the idea of taping everyone who approaches their front entrance, doorbell cameras are a godsend. You can put them on any door, for that matter, so don't feel as if one is the limit. The trendy little devices can be costly if you choose high-end versions that come with dozens of advanced security features. Many owners choose to pay for all kinds of residential security upgrades by taking out personal loans from private lenders to get the cash they need. That way, they can take advantage of competitive interest rates, terms that match their financial situation, and high borrowing limits. If you decide to equip your house with several doorbell cams, alarms, smart locks, and other security devices, consider using a personal loan to pay for everything at once.


Greenhouses are making a comeback. In the 1980s, they were all the rage with the back-to-nature individuals who wanted to grow their own hothouse tomatoes, exotic plants, and other flora. Old versions were bulky, hard to assemble without professional help, and pricey. Today's greenhouses are smaller, perfect for DIY enthusiasts, and don't cost a fortune. And if you already know things like how to keep a green lawn, and enjoy doing so, then you have a good foundation set to be successful here. The biggest sellers are all-plastic units that arrive in kits that include panels, tools, assembly instructions, and online video help for those who need it. Prices range from just a few hundred dollars to well over $1,000 for larger walk-in greenhouses.

Recessed Lighting

Sometimes, little things begin slowly before they turn into full-fledged trends. Recessed lighting is a typical example of the latest phenomenon that has been around for decades but is now officially a thing. To see how pervasive the preference is among homeowners, take a tour of any new development. Builders understand how beloved recessed lights are for first-time and high-end buyers. Nowadays, it seems like every living room, kitchen, den, bedroom, bathroom, dining area, and garage features several versions of built-in, recessed light fixtures. Many come with dimmer control and timers on each wall-mounted switch.

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