5 Things to Know When Hiring an Online Divorce Company

By Staff Reporter - 14 May '20 18:34PM
  • 5 Things to Know When Hiring an Online Divorce Company
  • (Photo : Unsplash)

Perhaps you have had a friend or two use an online divorce company for their proceedings. Maybe it worked out really well, and their divorce was finalized within a few months. Or maybe they even mentioned how cheap their divorce was. Could this be a possibility for you? If you are thinking about doing an online divorce, you may be wondering about which company to hire and if an online divorce is even a legitimate option.

This article will put your mind at ease by considering 5 things to know when hiring an online divorce company.

 1. Are online divorce services legitimate?

Many couples wonder if online divorce services are actually legitimate. You will be happy to know that they are 100% legal and valid. You just need to choose the right online company. When it comes to hiring a company, make sure that you choose one that has been in the game for several years. Don't just choose some random start-up company. Newer companies might not have the experience to deal with your specific case. There are many reliable online divorce companies that guarantee your divorce papers will be approved by the court. Companies that have a good track record, years of experience, and guarantees are good choices.

 2. You can't use an online divorce company in a contested divorce

Before you decide to hire an online company, you need to make sure that you and your spouse will be proceeding with an uncontested divorce. What is an uncontested divorce? This is where you and your spouse agree to all the terms of your divorce. For example, do you agree on how to divide your assets and debts? If you have a home, will you sell it or will one spouse keep it to live in? Do you have children? If so, have you agreed on visitation, custody, and maintenance? If you and your spouse can't agree on the above issues, then it would be a wiser option to hire a lawyer. This is because complicated cases can not be handled by online divorce services. You don't want to sign something now and regret it a few years from now.

 3. What does an online divorce service do?

An online divorce service will prepare all the paperwork that is needed for your specific case. Since no lawyers are involved, you will need to make 100% sure that you and your spouse agree on all the terms of your divorce. Once your documentation has been prepared according to your specific case, you will receive your paperwork within a few hours. In most cases, you will get all your divorce papers within 24 hours. You will then need to collect your supporting documents. These documents will include things such as bank statements, your marriage certificate, your social security number, and insurances. One of the best parts about hiring an online divorce service is that they offer excellent customer support. If you are unsure about anything, you can call, email, or in some cases even text customer service, and your questions will be answered. Most online divorce services don't file your documents for you in court. So you will have to file your paperwork yourself at your local courthouse, or clerk's office. The companies that do offer to do this for you will charge an additional cost for the filing service.

 4. You will save money

What do you think the average cost of divorce is in America? According to Business Insider, the average cost of a divorce in the USA is $15,000 per person. This might come as a shock to you because it is exceptionally high cost. What is the average cost of an online divorce? On average you can expect to pay $500 in total for your online annulment. That is a huge saving! How is this possible? With a traditional divorce, you will need to pay an attorney. Attorneys charge per hour, with some charging as much as $600/hr. With a complicated case, you can see how easily this could add up. You might even need to go to trial in certain cases, and this is where things will get pricey. An online divorce simplifies matters. There is no need for lawyers. There are many packages available, and some packages even start at $139. Because online divorce is so cheap, easy, and convenient, anyone can do it.

 5. It's simple

Choosing to hire an online divorce service is as easy as 1 2 3. You will have an entire team of people backing you up and helping you every step of the way. In addition to the great customer service, you will have the convenience of being able to sit at home while doing your divorce. There is no need for lengthy legal meetings or taking time off work to meet with your lawyer. All you need is the internet and a laptop, and you can get a divorce. It's that easy. Technology has revolutionized the way couples are seeking annulments. Online divorce takes the stress out of ending your marriage in many ways, making it easier to deal with your emotions during this hard time. On a logical level, it just makes sense to hire an online divorce service.

So now you know that hiring an online divorce company is:

  • Affordable
  • Easy
  • Fast
  • 100% legal and court-approved

If your divorce is uncontested, this is a tremendous option for you. By choosing to use an online divorce service, you will save yourself a lot of hassle. Save the extra money for a well-deserved vacation.

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