Nintendo Switch News and Updates: Developer Seems To Have Rectified Controller Issues

By Jeff Thompson - 22 Mar '17 05:30AM

The left joy-con of Nintendo Switch console stops working while docking was a major issue for some time. But, the recent reports confirm that the developer started addressing the issues, and the new devices are not facing any wide-spread issues like reported before. It is also found that Nintendo is using a simple technique to repair the existing device.

There are a number of reports confirming that the latest devices did not face any issues with the controllers. A few days back, Nintendo came with a statement that anyone who is facing problems with any hardware issues can contact its support services for assistance. The firm also reiterated that new devices generally face few problems and nothing exceptional is noted. However, the circuit codes of the controllers have been changed in the recent products, and it shows that Nintendo would have modified the circuit board to avoid the mess.

Interestingly, news reports confirm that one of the initial batch devices that are found to be faulty sent for the repair and received it working correctly. Importantly, the circuit board of the returned joy-con showed a conductive foam piece added at the lower-right corner. It is reported that the foam is a specially made with copper or nickel to avoid any Radio Frequency Interface (RFI). It is believed that the foam is made to protect any interference of the signal in the antenna of the joy-con. People experienced the joy-con issue of not working when they removed the foam from the repaired devices.

However, Nintendo didn't make any comment on the latest developments. It can be concluded that Nintendo has got full control over the issue now, and people who are facing problems with the joy-con can contact Nintendo to get it repaired. It should be noted that the issue with the device is not a software issue and waiting for an update to get it resolved is meaningless.

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