Children Die Each Year Because Of Air Pollution According To WHO; Sanitation And Poverty Part Of The Reasons

By Carrie Winters - 07 Mar '17 06:48AM

A recent report released by the World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that there are 1.7 million children that die of pollution each year. Air pollution is specifically one of the causes of these deaths.

According to the report, indoor pollution and other air pollutants are the number one causes of the children's death. Every year, these children under the age of five die because of these causes. Some of these air pollutants that trigger these deaths are fumes from car or second hand smoke. Coal-fired pollutants also contribute to the cause of death each year. The number is quite alarming since it has gone up and this happen every year.

A report indicated that there are 570,000 children who die because of respiratory infections caused by these air pollutants. The most prominent of these illnesses is pneumonia. There are 270,000 children that die because of lack of sanitation.

Dr. Margaret Chan, director general of WHO shared that a polluted environment is deadly especially for children. The developing organs and immune system of these children are prone to infection that will eventually lead to death if not attended to right away. The reason for most deaths in children is because they are more vulnerable to these pollutants.

Meanwhile, the problem on children's health that is caused by air pollution may start as early as the child is still in the womb of the mother. However, these health issues caused by air pollution can be prevented.

There has got to be proper sanitation within the area to avoid children getting sick. It is also indicated that pollution and children's death go hand in hand with poverty. The environment with children must be clean in order to prevent these certain diseases that can trigger death. It has got to start from the household. The cleaner the household, the less a child will be sick.

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