Nintendo Switch News And Updates: More Than 60 Indie Games Availlable; See The List Here

By Jeff Thompson - 01 Mar '17 05:30AM

Nintendo Switch is getting ready to be released on March 3, and now there is good news for its fans as there are more than 60 indie games that are planning to foray into the upcoming console. The list includes some popular games such as Stardew Valley, Yooka-Laylee, Overcooked: Special Edition, and more.

While some of these games will be available from day one, gamers will have to wait until spring or later this year for other games to be available from Nintendo eShop. Stardew Valley will be launched on the platform in this summer, whereas Overcooked: Special Edition is expected later this year. Nintendo has confirmed that it is working with more publishers and developers to expand the collections for the console to make it more popular. 

The other games in the list include Away: Journey to the Unexpected, 1001 Spikes, Battle Chef Brigade, Celeste, Cave Story, Duck Game, Fast RMX, Flipping Death, Graceful Explosion Machine, Gonner, Has-Been Heroes, Hollow Knight, and Hover. The list also includes Human Resource Machine, Kingdom: Two Crowns, Ittle Dew 2, Little Inferno, Monster Boy And The Cursed Kingdom, Oceanhorn: Monster of the Uncharted Seas, sU and the Quest for Meaning, Rocket Rumble, Redout, Rogue Trooper Redux, Shakedown Hawaii, Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove, Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment, The Jackbox Party Pack 3, and more. 

Reports are confirming that talks that many publishers are happy with the features of Nintendo Switch. Multiple play modes that are available in TV mode, tabletop mode, and handheld mode are making convenience and adaptability for many developers. Local and online multiplayer choices, flexible control options, and JoyCon functionality similar to HD rumble are also prompting the developers to make an entry to the platform. To access the games the players have to get entry to Nintendo eShop, and for which the players have to make a system update after launch. After registering with eShop, people can purchase digital games from as well.

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