'Mass Effect: Andromeda,' 'Arms,' and 'Lego Marvel Super Heroes'; Top Games To Play This 2017

By Maria Follet - 30 Jan '17 22:01PM

Playing video games is in a gamer's lifeblood. And this year, the community of video gamers has been rooting for popular, newer, and exciting game titles to play. Now for those who are new to video gaming and want to start playing,here's a list of what to play this year.

Arms. Nintendo Switch is totally new today and many game console users are now considering this as one of the most exciting offers of Nintendo.. "Arms" is a unique, different type of boxing game where the characters or heroes box one another in the next level. The arms will stretch out as like what one can usually see in animes and the gloves are really high-tech.

At a video posted in Forbes, there are two real-life people, a man and a girl, preparing for a fight. Then their arms transform and become springy and elongated with big gloves. As the video teaser is entertaining, sure is the game.

Lego Marvel Super Heroes (Traveler's Tales). These heroes from Marvel are Lego version of each of the original forms. The "Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Traveler's Tales" still boasts of notable antagonists in the storyline like Sandman.

As everything is in Lego - from the city of New York down to the smallest details of every Marvel hero like Captain America. So, players won't just enjoy the blockbuildings but also, the excitement of fighting against enemies as well. The Guardian is saying that it is one of the best video games not just for this year, but a long time as well.

Mass Effect: Andromeda. Fans of science fiction, particularly extraterrestrial world, will surely love this game. As Time reports, the story of the game is set after sixty years, succeeding the story happened at the game "Mass Effect 3" in the universe's Andromeda galaxy. The players will assume the hero tasked to finding another planet where life is suitable and sustainable. So gamers will expect jam-packed fighting with the bad aliens.

Time considers "Mass Effect: Andromeda" as one of their 50 Most Sought Games for this year. Every year, surely there will be another set of game titles to be addicted with. But without trying these games now, 2017 will be totally boring.

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