Nintendo Wii Updates: The Legend of Zelda Will Be Wii's Last Title; No Further Developments Of The Console Says Nintendo America

By Maria Follet - 29 Jan '17 20:20PM

Goodbyes will always be sad even when it comes from Nintendo. However, this time, it seems that one of their products will be saying goodbye - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will be Nintendo Wii's last title to be played.

Fans will surely be feeling bad for the slowly disappearing device of the Nintendo since it is undeniable that there are many players who are still using the game console. But, as what was featured at Tech Crunch, even an official from Nintendo America, Reggie Fils-Ammie, had said that there are no longer developments made for Wii. This directly gives an idea that this will be the end for the game console.

It's ironic that while the Wii its near end, the Switch is closely at its release. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild are both playable to same consoles however reports say that the game is better played through Switch. This makes the Wii move away from the new console of Nintendo.

However, this doesn't mean that the selling of the Wii consoles will also be stopped immediately. Ammie assures Polygon that there are still manufacturing and selling of the Wii in the global market, as well as its popular game titles, particularly on their Nintendo eShops.

Despite the announcement, according to Ammie, some titles for the Wii will still be available like Mario Kart and Splatoon and Project Giant Robot. It can be remembered that the Wii was first introduced and released to the public on November 18, 2012, and Nintendo had a total sold units of around thirteen million since from the console's release up to September last year.

There are now numerous theories about why the Wii didn't make it to its glorious days. As what was published at BBC's website, critics claimed that the name of the console confuses consumers as more think of it as an accessory.

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